Vels Special Maida

Benefits of Maida

1. It is made of wheat grain that contains high amounts of many nutrients, such as, fibre, vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and selenium
2.Leads to weight gain
3.World’s Tastiest dishes are made from maida

Clean Digestive System

The main goal of dietary fibre is to flush out toxins and waste from your body, leading to a clean colon, a much lower risk of developing blood cells and in general a clear digestive tract. The journey of dietary fibre through the body ensures speedy waste disposal, in turn also fighting constipation.

Maintaining Cholesterol Levels

Soluble fibre helps in lowering the "bad cholesterol" levels. Research suggests this happens due to fibres' ability to reduce the amount of bile stored by our intestines. When fibre interferes with the absorption of bile by the intestines, the bile is excreted with the faeces. Due to this loss of bile, the lives needs to make more bile salts, for which the body needs cholesterol. To obtain this cholesterol, the liver produces LDL receptors whose only job is to pull cholesterol out of the LDL molecules stored in the blood stream. Thus, the more bile salts that need to be made, the more cholesterol is pulled out of the blood.

Fights Heart Diseases

Although most of us connect dietary fibre with a healthy digestive system, that's not all this champion nutrient does. A high-fibre diet balances out your sugar and blood cholesterol levels, lowers the risk of heart strokes by up to 40% and even reduces blood pressure. So regular consumption of fibre means you're looking at a healthier heart too.

Aids in Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

Fibre consumption tends to make one feel fuller than other foods without adding many calories to your diet, leading to a reduction in unnecessary munching and binge eating.

Colon Cancer Prevention

Dietary fibre reduces the risk of little pouches in the colon, thereby drastically lowering the risk of colon cancer. Research suggests this happens because fibre passes quickly through the colon, thus, flushing cancer causing compounds out of the body, or changing their form to make them less harmful. So consuming the required amount of fibre (daily) will reduce the risk of colorectal tumours

The Downside of Too Much Fibre

As fibre absorbs water like a sponge on its way through the digestive system, it's crucial to keep yourself hydrated at all times. Thus, if you're having enough fibre but aren't drinking enough water, that can lead to severe dehydration. Your body requires a balance of both in order to flush out toxins and body waste and function properly. If your lacks the H2O that fibre requires, it could also lead to constipation and bloating. Remember, they work as a team here; dietary fibre will not function in its element without its liquid cohort.

The Downside of Too Much Fibre

As fibre absorbs water like a sponge on its way through the digestive system, it's crucial to keep yourself hydrated at all times. Thus, if you're having enough fibre but aren't drinking enough water, that can lead to severe dehydration. Your body requires a balance of both in order to flush out toxins and body waste and function properly. If your lacks the H2O that fibre requires, it could also lead to constipation and bloating. Remember, they work as a team here; dietary fibre will not function in its element without its liquid cohort.

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